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Agilent 86116C
  • Agilent 86116C
Agilent 86116C

Product Model:

           Agilent 86116C

Product Manufacturer:


Product Attributes Classification:

           Optical Communication

Product Attributes:

           Wide-Bandwidth Oscillscope
Product Description

Agilent 86116C-025 40 GHz Optical/ 80 GHz,Electrical Module


86116C-025 Optimized for high-speed LAN/SAN signals

25G Ethernet (x4 for 100 GbE) and 16G Fibre Channel (single-mode variants)

45 GHz characteristic optical bandwidth displays up to 40 Gb/s NRZ

Reference receiver for 17, 25.8, and 27.7 Gb/s NRZ

93 GHz characteristic electrical bandwidth

55, 30 GHz settings for best sensitivity (0.6, 0.5 mVRMS characteristic)


Cutting edge component and subsystem designs require accurate characterization of very high-speed signals. When viewing waveforms in the 10 to 100 Gb/s range, three requirements are critical in an oscilloscope: a well designed frequency response, a wide bandwidth, and extremely low internal jitter. The 86116C optical and electrical modules represent some of the fastest solutions available for measuring high-speed communication signals. Characteristically with 45 GHz optical and 93 GHz electrical bandwidth, the 86116C when paired with the 86107A precision timebase module becomes the ideal solution for ultra high-speed waveform analysis.

The unfiltered bandwidth settings provide the best pulse fidelity mode for measurement and display of very high-speed waveforms. User selectable bandwidth settings can reduce noise when observing small signals. The electrical channel features over 93 GHz bandwidth. This yields a 3.9 ps system risetime. Just as important as bandwidth, the channel has a well controlled frequency response to minimize waveform distortion. User selectable bandwidth settings can be used for reduced instrumentation noise。


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